


  • 金牌表示に花牌が出たときは元に戻して振り直す
  • 白は金牌表示の額面の代わりになれるのではなく,常に代わりになる.字牌の捨て牌のルールから白への言及を外す
  • 游金の周に他の3人に振込み上がりを認める人もいる
















    数牌  字牌 

  • 花牌,金牌1枚1水
  • 春夏秋冬1組花牌4枚4水の代わりに8水
  • 梅蘭菊竹1組花牌4枚4水の代わりに8水
  • 花牌8枚16水.春夏秋冬の8水と梅蘭菊竹の8水で16水で,ボーナスはつかない.

  • 平胡(×1).捨て牌で上がる.
  • 自摸(×2).山から引いた牌か,カン・花牌の補充で上がる.搶槓も点数は自摸扱い.
  • 游金(×4).金牌の単騎待ち自摸上がり.この形は何でも上がれるが,振り込みでは上がれない.
  • 双游(×8).金牌を捨てて,次のツモ順に游金で上がる.次のツモ順にカンできるときはカンしてから游金で上がってよい.捨てた金牌には水はつかない.
  • 三游(×12).双游で金牌をツモるか,金牌で代用させていた牌をツモることで浮いた金牌を捨てて,次のツモ順に游金で上がる.捨てた金牌には水はつかない.
  • 三金倒(×3).配牌(補花を含む)が済んだ後,または流局直前に手牌に3枚金牌があれば,他の牌が上がれる形でなくても上がれる.配牌後の補花が済んだときの三金倒は,点数は游金扱い(×4).
  • 搶金(×4).開金のとき,親は1枚不要牌を捨てた手,子は手牌そのままに金牌表示を加えれば上がれる場合.この金牌表示は万能牌で金牌の水も付く.
  • 天胡(×4).親の補花完了,開金後の手牌が上がりだった場合.三金倒では天胡にならない.三金倒,搶金に勝つ.

  • 親の連荘時の底は,連荘ごとに1増やす.1でなく「1×上がり方の倍」増やす人もいる.
  • 加槓の水は明槓でなく暗刻と同じ.また,明刻の水を暗刻と同じにする人がいる.
  • 花牌を4枚(8枚)揃えたときの水のボーナスはなく,それぞれ4水,8水となる.
  • 上がり方の倍は,平胡1倍,自摸2倍,游金3倍,双游6倍,三游9倍,三金倒3倍.搶金,天胡はない.また,花牌を8枚集めたら,手牌の形に関係なく直ちに3倍の上がり.


  • 大相公(多牌),小相公(少牌)は上がり放棄です.
  • ツモ,チー,ポン,カンを間違えたら上がり放棄です.
  • チョンボ(間違った上がり)は,3人それぞれから正しい上がりならもらえた点を逆向きに払い,その手を終わらせます.このとき親は交代しませんが,連荘数は増えません.双游,三游中にチョンボした場合,チョンボした人は,チョンボの支払いのほかに,双游,三游した人がもらえたはずの点を1人で払います.


  • 手に金牌があるときは,振り込みあがりできないとする人が多いです.
  • 金牌を捨てた周に,それ以外の3人に振込み上がりを認める人も多いです.
  • 上がりやポンを見逃したとき,順番が来るか飛ばされるまで,同じ牌での上がりやポンはできないとする人がいます.
  • 底全体を5倍(親10,子5),8倍(親16,子8)など,一定倍する人がいます.こうすると,点数が水の影響を受けにくくなります.
  • 金牌が手に3枚ある人は,三金倒あるいは游金・双游・三游でなければ上がれないとする人がいます.
  • 双游,三游以外で金牌を捨てたら,上がり放棄とする人がいます.



16 世紀からある古いゲームです.山札交換と手役宣言で相手の手が読めることが多いので,カード勝負で得点するために手役の一部を隠す作戦があるなど,戦術的です.主な情報源は,古いフランスの文献をもとにしたルールを掲載している“忘れ去られたゲームのアカデミー (L’Académie des jeux oubliés)” (academiedesjeux.jeuxsoc.fr) です.ピケは,トランプゲームとしては極めて例外的に,大きなルールの相違がほとんどありませんが,変化の可能性を示すために,古いイギリスの文献を主にした David Parlett 氏の“Historic card games” (www.davidparlett.co.uk/histocs) のルール記述との違いを追記しました.

(2013.7.30) 複数の続き (セカンス) と組 (トロワ,カトルズ) を得点できる条件を,点数ではなく,宣言の強さに修正しました.
(2013.7.30) David Parlett 氏のルールとの違いを追記しました.
(2018.10.23) 「古いルール」が19世紀中ごろまでのルールであることを追記しました.手役の文章を書き直しました.
(2018.10.27) 手役の文章をさらに添削し,また 1 番手は点の手役を宣言しないことはできないので,2 番手のルピックの例を改めました.


2 人.4 つの印ごとに 8 枚の計 32 枚.強い順に 1(A),R(K),D(Q),V(J),10,9,8,7.切札はありません.ピケは400年間も流行したにもかかわらず両大戦間に急激に衰退し,20 世紀中頃には遊ぶ人がほとんどいなくなってしまいましたが,南欧以外のヨーロッパ大陸の国々では,このゲームから始まり,現代の国民的ゲームに至るまで 32 枚を使うものが多いので,普通に売られているトランプも 32 枚組が多いです.




カット,または 1 枚引いて,低いカードを引いた方が,最初の配り手です.配り手の相手が 1 番手,配り手は,2 番手です.以後の手では,ゲームの終了まで,交互に配り手をつとめます.


配り手は,カードをよく切り,相手にカットさせてから,相手自分の順で交互に 2 枚または 3 枚ずつ,12 枚の手札を配り,残り 8 枚を山札 (タロン,talon) として 2 人の中央に 1 枚ずつずらして伏せて置きます.

絵札なし(カルト・ブランシュ,cartes blanches)

配られた直後の手札に 1 枚も絵札 (K,Q,J) がない場合,1 番手は自らの手札交換の前に,2 番手は 1 番手の手札交換の後,自らの手札交換の前に,絵札なしを宣言できます.このとき,手札をすばやく 1 枚ずつ表向きに重ねて置き,絵札がないことを相手に示します.絵札なしの点数は,10 点です.


1 番手は,手札を少なくとも 1 枚,最大で 5 枚,枚数を言って捨て,同じ枚数の山札を上から順に取ります.手札を 5 枚交換しない場合,5 枚交換で手にできた山札をのぞき見できます.

2 番手は,1 番手の後に,手札を少なくとも 1 枚,最大で山札の残りだけ捨て,同じ枚数の山札を上から順に取ります.2 番手は,残りの山札をのぞき見できます.1 番手は,最初のカード勝負に出す手札の印を告げれば,残りの山札を公開できます.なお,イギリスの文献に基づく David Parlett 氏のルール記述は,2 番手が手札を 1 枚も捨てないことを認め,残りの山札を 1 人で見ることは認めず,見たければ 2 人が見えるように公開しなければならないとします.

捨てたカードは右の手元に伏せて置き,ゲームには使いません.David Parlett 氏は,逆に、自分が捨てたカードはいつでも見てよいとします.

1 番手に絵札がないとき,2 番手が 1 番手の手札を見て手札を交換できないように,絵札なしの宣言,および手札交換を次の手順で行います.(1) 1 番手は,絵札なしを宣言するとともに,交換する手札の枚数を 2 番手に告げる.(2) 2 番手は手札交換で交換する手札を捨てる.(3) 1 番手は手札をすばやく 1 枚ずつ表向きに積み,絵札がないことを示す.(4) 1 番手は告げた枚数の手札を捨て,同じ枚数の山札を取る.(5) 2 番手は,自分が捨てた枚数の山札を取る.David Parlett 氏は,この複雑な手順に言及していません.


1 番手は,点 (ポアン,point),続き (セカンス,séquence),組 (トロワとカトルズ,trois et quatorze) の順に手役を宣言します.宣言の手順は,次の通りです.

1 番手は,手役を宣言します.

2 番手は,1 番手の宣言に勝てる手役があれば宣言を拒み,なければ宣言を認めます.同じ手役があれば同点とします.宣言を認める,拒む,同点とするための言葉は,互いに理解できるなら,何でも構いません.いい/だめ/あいこ,OK/NG/同じなどでもいいでしょう.フランス語では,"C’est bon(セボン)","mieux(ミユ,[自分の方が]もっと良いの意)","égal(エガル)"です.

1 番手は,最強の手役を宣言しなくても,続きと組は手役を隠しても構いません.2 番手も,最強の手役と比べなくても,手役を隠しても構いません.

1 番手は,2 番手が認めた手役の点を得ます.2 番手は,拒んだ手役と 1 番手が宣言しなかった手役を,1 番手が最初に手札を出した後,自分が最初の手札を出す前に,申告して得ます.続き (セカンス) 役の宣言が認められた 1 番手と,続き役の宣言がなかったか拒んだ場合の 2 番手は,宣言に勝った続き役に勝てない続き役が手にあれば,その点も得点できます.宣言・拒否に使わなかった続き役は得点しなくても構いません.組役も,同様に,宣言に勝った組役に勝てない組役はすべて得点できます.どの手役も,最後まで同点なら,2 人とも点を得られません.なお,David Parlett 氏のルール記述は,宣言で勝ったもの以外の続き役と組役の得点に役の強弱の制約がありません.


手役 1:点 (ポアン, point)

現代のルールでは,枚数が多い印のカードの枚数を宣言します.同点なら,A=11点,K,Q,J=10点,それ以外=額面として換算した点数の合計を宣言します.宣言/申告した印の枚数が得点になります.古いルール(19世紀中ごろまで)では,はじめから点数を宣言し,点数の 1 の桁を四捨五入し 10 で割った値を得点します.ポアンは,17 世紀前半までは,ロンフル (ronfle) と呼ばれました.

手役 2:続き (セカンス, séquence)

同じ印で強さ順に 3 枚以上続いているカード (例:スペードのA,K,Q,J) の枚数とその中で最強のカードをまとめて宣言します.そのようなカードがないときまたは公表したくないときは,続き役がないと宣言します.David Parlett 氏のルールでは,枚数を宣言して,同点なら最強のカードの強さを宣言します.印は比較しません.1 つあたりの得点は,3 枚続き (ティエルス,tierce) が 3 点,4 枚続き (カトリエーム,quatrième) が 4 点,5 枚続き (カント,quinte) が 15 点,6 枚続き (セジエーム,seizième) が 16 点,7 枚続き (ディス・セティエーム,dix-septième) が 17 点,8 枚続き (ディズ・ウィティエーム,dix-huitième) が 18 点です.

手役 3:組 (トロワとカトルズ, trois et quatorze)

A,K,Q,J,10 のどれかが 3 枚以上あるとき,強さ (A,K など) と枚数 (3 または 4) を宣言します.9 以下の組は,この役になりません.組がないときまたは公表したくないときは,何も言わずにカード勝負に移ります.David Parker 氏のルールでは,枚数を宣言して,同点なら強さを比較します.1 組あたりの得点は,3 枚組 (トロワ) が 3 点,4 枚組 (カトルズ) が 14 点です.


12 枚の手札で 12 回のカード勝負を行います.1 回目は 1 番手,2 回目以降は,直前の回の勝者が先手になります.先手は,手札から好きな手札を 1 枚表向きにして場に出します.後手は,先手と同じ印の手札があればそれを,なければ好きな手札を 1 枚出します.先手と同じ印で強いカードを出した方が,その回に勝ちます.勝った人は,2 枚のカードを取り,重ねて伏せ,手元におきます.カードを置くとき,勝ち数がわかりやすいように,直前が縦向きなら横,横向きなら縦にして,十字型を作ります.参考にしたルール記述は,直前のカード勝負に出されたカード以外は見てはいけないと明記しています.David Parlett 氏のルールは,取ったカードを見ていいかどうかに言及していません.


現代のルールでは,先手で手札を出したら,1 点を得,相手が先手のとき勝ったら,1 点を得ます.古いルール(19世紀中ごろまで)では,先手は,10 以上の手札を出したら 1 点を得,相手が先手の時に 10 以上で勝ったら 1 点を得ます.

12 回目のカード勝負に勝ったら,1 点を得ます.この点は,先手の点,相手の先手に勝った点とともに取れます.古いルールでも,カードの大きさに関係なくこの点を取れます.なお,David Parlett 氏が引用する 1620 年ごろのドイツの文献は,10 以上で勝たないとこの点も取れなかったとします.現代のルールでは,12 回全勝の時は,この 1 点を認めない人がいます.

カード勝負終了後,相手より勝ち数が多ければ 10 点,12 回全勝ならこの 10 点の代わりに 40 点を得ます.

ルピック (repic) とピック (pic)

1 手の中で,相手が 1 点も得点していないうちに,絵札なしと手役だけで 30 点に達したとき,ルピックといい,その人は 60 点のボーナスを得ます.

1 手の中で,相手が 1 点も得点していないうちに,絵札なし,手役,カード勝負で 30 点に達したとき,ピックといい,その人は 30 点のボーナスを得ます.相手より勝ち数が多いときの 10 点と全勝の 40 点は,ピックには使えません.ルピックでボーナス点を得た場合,ピックにはなりません.現代のルールでは,1 番手は 1 回目の先手で 1 点取れるので,2 番手のピックはありえません.古いルールでも,2 番手のピックは実際には起こりません.

ピックおよびルピックの判定では,絵札なし (カルト・ブランシュ),点 (ポアン),続き (セカンス),組 (トロワとカトルズ),カード勝負の順に点が入り,2 人の得点が確定しない限り,後の点は入っていないと見なします.したがって,1 番手が手役を宣言しなかったか,拒まれた場合,その後の 1 番手の手役と最初の先手の点は,ゲームとは異なる時点で入ると見なされます.例えば,1 番手が点の宣言を拒否され続きを宣言せずに,組を宣言して認められ,最初に手札を出したあとに,2 番手が 2 組の 5 枚続きを申告したら,続きは組より前なので,2 番手のルピックになります.


得点するたびに,その手で得た点の合計を言います.1 番手は,宣言しないか拒まれた手役があった後も,手役の点を,宣言時点で数え上げますが,ルピック,ピックの判定は,上記に従います.1 手が終わったら,スコアシートにその手で得た点を書き加え,次の手の得点は,また 0 から数えます.

合計点が目標に先に到達した人が勝ちです.このゲームの古い名前がフランス語で 100 を意味する Cent であることからわかるように,100 点が伝統的な目標です. 150 点,200 点などを使う人もいます.手の途中で,目標に到達したら,その時点で終わりにします.このとき,点は,ピック・ルピックの判定と同じ順序で入るとみなします.カード勝負に入ったら,目標点に到達しても打ち切らずに 12 回のカード勝負を行い,2人とも目標に到達した場合,カード勝負の結果点も合わせた合計点が大きい方を勝ちとします.

普通は,100 点の勝負を 2 回行い,1 勝 1 敗なら,もう 1 勝負します.

17 世紀のピケ

モリエールの作品に登場するピケは,18 世紀以降のルールである古いルールとは,次のような違いがあります.
- 各印 A~6 の 36 枚を使い,手札,山札は 12 枚です.32 枚を使うピケは,17 世紀末に登場しました.
- 1 番手は 1~8 枚を交換.2 番手は,1~残リ枚数を交換します.
- 2 人とも絵札なしなら,どちらも 10 点を得点します.
- 9 枚続きは 19 点です.



最初の配り手を決めるとき,高いカードを引いた方が,1 番手か 2 番手の好きな方を選び,後は手ごとに交代します.

ゲームは 6 手で,合計点が大きい方が勝ちです.同点の場合,2 手延長します.負けた方が 100 点未満なら,2 人の点の合計+100 点の勝ち,100 点以上なら,2 人の点の差+100 点の勝ちです.



ゲーム研究家の David Parlett 氏の創作ゲームです.創作ゲームなのに,そうと感じさせないシンプルさがあると思います.


3人.4 つの印ごとに,A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6 の 36 枚.


強い順に,A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6 です.


最初にカードを配る人は好きな方法で決め,そのあとは順番に交代します.配り手は,カードをよく切り,右隣の人にカットしてもらってから,左隣の人から時計回りに順番に,ひとり 12 枚の手札を配ります.


3 人とも,手札から 3 枚のカードを選んで伏せて捨て,9 回のうち何回勝つことを目指すか決めます.クラブは 3,ハートは 2,スペードは 1,ダイヤは 0 として捨てた 3 枚の合計が目標です.この数字は,印の飛び出している個所の数で覚えればよいと作者はいいますが,ダイヤには 4 個所突起があるような気がします.スペインのトランプのように,枠の切れ目が0〜3つあると,何も悩まないのですが…(ちなみにスペイン語圏のトランプは印も日本でおなじみのフランス風と異なり,コイン,カップ,剣,棒です).

カード勝負の前に目標のカードを公開すると 30 点,目標のカードと手札を公開すると 60 点のボーナス点が付きます.公開は 1 人しかできません.手札公開は目標公開に勝ち,同じ公開なら配り手の左隣を 1 番として時計回り順に優先されます.


9 枚の手札で 9 回のカード勝負を行います.1 回目は,配り手の左隣,2 回目以降は直前の回の勝者が,先手になります.先手は,手札から1 枚を表に向け場に出します.先手の左隣から順に,時計回りに,全員が 1 枚ずつ手札を表向きに場に出します.このとき,先手と同じ印の手札があるなら,出さなければなりません.一番強い切札,切札がないときは,先手と同じ印で一番強いカードを出した人が,1 回の勝負に勝ちます.切札は,最初の手は 0 (ダイヤ),以後は直前の手で目標どおりに勝った人数(0〜3)に対応する印が切札になります.


目標と勝ち数が同じなら成功,多すぎても少なすぎても失敗で,成功した人が 3 人なら 3 人とも 10 点ずつ,2 人なら 2 人が 20 点ずつ,1 人なら 30 点をそれぞれ得点します.成功失敗に関係なく,カード勝負 1 勝あたり 1 点を得ます.公開のボーナス点は,公開した人が成功したら,公開した人,失敗したら,他の 2 人のどちらもが得点します.

9 手あるいは事前に決めた 9 の倍数の手数で一番得点の多い人が勝ちです.あるいは,1 勝を 100 点先取として,最初に 3 勝した人が勝ちです.






全 9 回を 3 人で割ると 3 なので,何回にしてよいかわからないときは,3 を選ぶとよいでしょう.

















  • 手に中がなく,あった中はすべてカンするか捨ててある.
  • 少なくとも1つ“開口(カイコウ)”している.“開口”は,食い,泣きのことで,チー・ポンまたは明槓のどれでもよい.暗槓,紅中,頼子のカンは開口に数えない.
  • 風一色でも将一色でもない場合,4つのメンツと1つの頭がある.
  • 対対胡,風一色,将一色,清一色のどれでもない場合,頭が2か5か8.頼子2枚の頭は,額面が2,5,8でなければ認められない.頼子1枚の単騎で,任意の2,5,8を待つのは,認められる.
  • 小胡の場合,手にある頼子が1枚か0枚.このとき額面どおりで使っている頼子は数え,カンしている頼子は数えない.小胡を聴牌した手に頼子が1枚あって,頼子をツモったら,上がれる手を維持するためには,どちらか1枚を捨てるかカンしなければならない.
  • 上がる人と他の3人それぞれの間の点数が,あらかじめ決めた下限,例えば8点や16点以上なければ上がりを認めないことが多い.8点,16点でなく3飜,4飜ということもあり,この場合,大胡なら,これらの飜数がなくても上がれる (4飜は16点の同義語なので,大胡なら10点と開口で少なくとも20点はある).後述する紅中發財頼子槓や口口番では,さらに高い32点 (5飜) 縛りがあり,この場合,大胡でも点数に気を付ける必要があるが,実際は損失を抑えるために,どれだけ開口と槓牌を増やさないか気にしなければならないことの方が多い.



  • 封頂 300点
  • 3人全員が封頂の場合は金頂(チンティン)といい,400点負けにします.
  • 金頂のとき開口していない人は陽光頂(ヤンクワンティン),光明頂(クワンミンティン)などといい,500点負けにします.
  • 3人全員が陽光頂のときは三陽(サンヤン)といい,600点負けにします.


  • 小胡(シャオホー):1点
  • 大胡(ターホー):上がった手で該当するもの1つにつき10点


  • 平胡または屁胡(ピーホー).大胡でない手.


  • 碰碰胡: 対対胡(和)です.頭に2,5,8以外の牌も使えます.
  • 風一色(フォンイーソー):風か發か白だけの手.このとき,中と頼子のカンは手に含めないで判定します.14枚がこの条件を満たし1開口あれば,4面子も1雀頭も不要で,風發白の何でも上がれます.他の一色役でもそうですが,化けた頼子を混ぜて構いません.
  • 将一色(チャンイーソー):2,5,8だけの手.このとき,中と頼子のカンは手に含めないで判定します.14枚がこの条件を満たし1開口あれば,4面子も1雀頭も不要で,258の何でも上がれます.
  • 清一色(チンイーソー):数牌1種類だけの手です.このとき,中と頼子のカンは手に含めないで判定します.頭に2,5,8以外の牌も使えます.
  • 海底撈: 山の最後の10枚を除いた最後の4枚の牌どれかでのツモ上がり.繰り返しになりますが,山の最後の4枚は,ツモるだけで,捨てません.また,この牌ではカンできません.このとき碰碰胡などが成立すれば頭が何でも上がれますが,頭が2,5,8でなければ海底撈の役は成立しません.海底撈はツモを含む役なので,ツモの半飜は数えません.
  • 槓上開: カンの補充牌でのツモ上がり.頼子と紅中のカンでの補充を含みます.このとき碰碰胡などが成立すれば頭が何でも上がれますが,頭が2,5,8でなければ,槓上開の役は成立しません.槓上開はツモを含む役なので,ツモの半飜は数えません.
  • 搶槓(チャンカン):ポンに牌を付け加えるカンが上がり牌のとき,その牌であがること.このとき碰碰胡などが成立すれば頭が何でも上がれますが,頭が2,5,8でなければ,搶槓の役は成立しません.
  • 全求人(チェンチウレン):4つ開口しての,裸単騎の振り込み上がり.4開口なので,暗槓すると作れません.このとき碰碰胡などが成立すれば頭が何でも上がれますが,頭が2,5,8でなければ,全求人の役は成立しません.




  • 開口(カイコウ):1飜(x2) .チー,ポン,明槓.開口が1つ以上あれば1飜.
  • 暗槓,頼子槓:1つにつき2飜(x4).頼子はカンしても捨てても頼子槓になる.
  • 明槓,紅中槓:1つにつき1飜(x2).中はカンしても捨てても紅中槓になる.チャンカンされた槓は成立していないので数えない.
  • 荘家: 小胡なら1飜(x2),大胡なら0飜(x1)


  • 硬胡(インホー): 1飜(x2).頼子が1枚もないか,あってもカンしたか,額面通りに使った手.
  • ツモ: 小胡なら1飜(x2),大胡なら半飜(x1.5).槓上開・海底撈は,ツモを含んだ役なので,この飜はつかない.


  • 放銃者:小胡なら1飜(x2),大胡なら半飜(x1.5)

A: 親,開口
B: 放銃,開口
C: 開口,紅中槓1回,頼子槓1回
D: 上がり,小胡,硬胡,開口

  • 聴牌していないで,全求人を放銃したら包です.上がりの条件を満たしていない手は聴牌とみなしません.チャンカンか槓上開でないと上がれない手は聴牌ではありません.全求人が成立しなければ包にならないので,将(258)の振込みに限定されます.
  • 3開口以上ある清一色の3つめの開口を泣かせた人は包です.
  • 搶槓された人は包です.


  • 数牌1種類の1〜9(例えば萬子すべて)と東を除いた96枚を使い,16枚2段の山を作る
  • 後述の發を槓牌にするオプションや口口飜は使わない
  • 8点縛りだが,敗者全員でなく少なくとも1人が縛りを満たせば上がれる
  • 大胡の海底撈はない.したがって最後のツモに関する特別なルールはなく(カンできる,不要牌を捨てる),残り10枚で流局
  • 大胡でも自摸,放銃は1飜
  • 三麻なので手が高くなりやすいが,封頂は変えずに封頂300,金頂400.
  • 風一色と将一色は無条件で金頂


  • 紅中發財頼子槓といって,發も中と同じように扱うルールは広く遊ばれています.
  • 皮子(ピーツ,痞子とも書く)槓.中・發ではなく,頼子表示牌と1つ下の牌を“皮子”として,中のように扱う人もいます.中・發は皮子でない限り普通の牌です.
  • 封頂400点
  • 金頂500点
  • 陽光頂600点
  • 三陽700点または800点







New Three-Player Mahjong of Northwestern Hubei

It is a young regional variant, called 卡五星 or 卡五心, meaning gap call of a 5, created in late 2000’s and spread rapidly to the northwestern quadrant of the Hubei province. It combines simple classical gameplay with speed of three player variations.


Number of (active) players: 3. Winner of previous hand is taken over by resting player when four play.
Equipments: 84 tiles of two suits (remove one of Characters, Bams or Dots) and Red, Green and White dragons; two dice
Prior agreement: Players have to agree on how much a unit is worth, number of hands to play or duration of game, and any optional rules.


Seats are determined by any appropriate means (i.e. random). It is generally considered to deeply influence elements of luck and done in more or less formal way. It is advisable to change seats after agreed upon number of hands are played.


The tiles are turned face down and shuffled well by all the players. Each player, then, builds a wall of fourteen tile wide and two tile high in front of him/her. Who ranked first in the seating rolls two dice, count the sum of the pips starting from him/herself as one and counter-clockwise, and who sits in the position of the sum becomes the first banker. In subsequent hands, winner of previous hand is the banker, or the loser when there are two winners. The banker stays if a hand ends in a draw.

The banker rolls two dice and a wall is chosen just like the first banker. The player behind the wall counts number of stacked pairs from the right end as one and until the rolled sum clockwise, and opens a gap between the last counted pair and the next one. The wall is, unlike everything else in the game, used clockwise from the gap during a deal and a game. Kong supplement tiles are taken from the other end the gap. Either on the head or the tail, a top tile of a pair is used before a bottom one. Starting from the banker and counter-clockwise, each player grabs two stacked pairs of four tiles from the head of the walls in turn, repeated three times to have twelve tiles in hand. Then each player picks a tile in turn, and the banker takes one extra tile to finish the deal.

Each player turns his/her tiles up for him/herself to see and not anyone else, and (optionally) arranges them in suits.


The objective of the game is to win some money by winning hands and making kong’s. In order to win a hand, a player has to make
  • one pair and four sets, or
  • seven pairs
with his/her tiles in hand, pung's and kong's, and
  • a tile draw from the wall, either as his/her first action of his/her turn, or as a kong (explained later) supplement,
  • a tile just discarded by another player, or
  • robbing a tile from a kong.
A pair is two identical tiles.
A set is
  • a run of three tiles of the same suit (e.g. 1-2-3, 6-7-8),
  • a three identical tiles, or
  • a kong (four identical tiles melded with a kong declaration).

Normal turns

Unless it is first turn of the banker who already has one extra tile, a player draws a tile from the head of the walls, and if his/her hand does not meet winning condition, or he/she does not want to win yet, discards a tile face up in the center area of the table. Discarded tiles are placed rather haphazardly so that one has to remember who discarded what and when. Turn moves to right player (i.e. counter-clockwise) after discarding.


If a player has two identical tiles and a same tile is just discarded, he/she can make a set by
  • saying 'pung' for the other players to hear,
  • turning the two tiles face up, taking the discarded tile, and putting them together in front of his/her hand, or to its left or right, and
  • discarding a tile from his/her hand.

The pung call must be the first action, and the rest can be done in any order. It is a good manner to do the discarding first so that the other players can continue playing as soon as possible. A turn of player (if any) between the discarding player and who called the pung is skipped. Turn moves to right player of who called the pung after the discarding. Tiles cannot be taken away from a pung.


There are three different ways to do a kong: direct, growing and closed.
a) direct kong
If a player has three identical tiles and a same tile is just discarded, he/she can make a set by
  • saying 'kong' for the other players to hear,
  • turning the three tiles face up, taking the discarded tile, and putting them together in front of his/her hand, or to its left or right,
  • drawing a supplement tile from the tail of the walls, and
  • discarding a tile from his/her hand.
b) growing kong
If a player has a pung and draws a same tile from the wall (either from the head or the tail), he/she can make a set by
  • saying 'kong' for the other players to hear,
  • placing the tile just drawn face up together with the other three,
  • drawing a supplement tile from the tail of the walls, and
  • discarding a tile from his/her hand.
c) closed kong
If a player has four identical tiles in his/her hand and it is his/her turn, he/she can make a set by
  • saying 'kong' for the other players to hear,
  • laying the four tiles face down in front of his/her hand, or to its left or right,
  • drawing a supplement tile from the tail of the walls, and
  • discarding a tile from his/her hand.
Four tiles of a closed kong are shown to the other players when current hand ends.

A turn of player (if any) between the discarding player and who called the kong is skipped. Turn moves to right player of who called the kong after the discarding. Tiles cannot be taken away from a kong.

An attempt at growing a kong can be robbed by another player calling for the same tile to win. This form of winning is called 'robbing a kong' and the attempted kong is deemed unsuccessful.

There are some additional rules for kong:
  • when a player has three identical tiles, he/she must do a direct kong; he/she cannot do a pung and save the other tile to do a growing kong later;
  • a player cannot do a closed kong during a turn started by his/her own pung; and
  • a player cannot do a kong when there is no supplement tiles left in the walls.

Kong payment

A player who has made a successful kong is paid immediately.
  • a direct kong: 2 units from the discarding player
  • a growing kong: 1 unit from each of the other players
  • a closed kong: 2 units from each of the other players
The amount is doubled by number of uninterrupted sequence of preceding kong's if a kong is made from a supplement tile or discarded tile of another kong. The payment will not be cancelled by any events, be it a win by another player, a draw, or irregularity like long or short hands.

Winning a Hand

A player can win a hand if his/her hand forms a pair and four sets or seven pairs, and either it contains at least one of doubling patterns or it is won by a tile drawn from the wall. A player must tell the others that he/she wins (any words understood as such by all players do), laying his/her hand face up to be examined by all.
A win takes precedence over a pung or a kong. Two players can claim a discarded tile or rob a kong to win at the same time. If a player missed a winning tile, he/she must wait until his/her own turn or it is passed by a pung or a kong, unless his/her hand scores higher than win by the missed tile. If there is no winner when all the tiles in the walls are used, it is a draw.

Pay out scheme

If it is a valid win, number of doubles are counted and the unit is doubled by that times to calculate the score of the hand. When different set of patterns can be counted in a hand, highest scoring one should be used. Maximum number of doubles is usually set to 3 (x8) and any higher doubles are ignored. Some make an exception for Double Dragon Seven Pairs and score it as four doubles (x16).
If a hand is won by claiming a discarded tile or robbing a kong, the player who discarded the tile or whose (attemped) kong is robbed pays the amount to the winner. If it is won by a tile from the walls either from the head or the tail, each of the other two players pays the amount.

One Double (x2)

  • All Pung (碰碰胡): all sets are three or four identical tiles.
  • Fit Five (卡五星): game’s namesake, a win by 5 with 4 and 6 in hand to complete a run of 4-5-6.
  • Open Four in One (明四归一): a win by the same tile as three tiles in a pung. The fourth tile can be something other than the winning tile if the winning hand contains Pure One Suit or higher doubling pattern.
  • Bloom on Kong (杠上开花): a win by a kong supplement tile. It can be combined with another bloom on Kong when the kong is made from a kong supplement tile (kong on kong).
  • Claimed on Kong (杠上炮): a win by a discarded tile of a kong. It does not combine with Bloom on Kong even when the claimed tile is discarded after a kong on kong.
  • Robbing a Kong (抢杠胡)
  • Disclosure (亮倒): when winning player has played with his/her hand laid open for others to see after he/she was ready (one turn away from winning). Some players disclose all of his/her tiles, while some do only calling part. A player cannot discard tiles from his/her hand after disclosing it. First disclosing player has to pay each of the others a unit when a hand ends in a draw. It is scored as if it is won by a tile drawn from the walls even when it is won by claiming, and claimed player pays on behalf of all.
  • Fishing the Bottom (海底捞): a win by drawing the last tile in the walls. It does not apply to the last discarded tile.

Two Doubles (x4)

  • Pure One Suit (清一色): a winning hand made solely from tiles of one suit.
  • Seven Pairs (七对)
  • Lone Tile (手抓一): a winning hand with four pung's and calling for a pair with only one tile in hand.
  • Lesser Three Elements (小三元): two sets of dragons and a pair of the remaining one.
  • Closed Four in One (暗四归一): three identical tiles in hand (in any ways but a pung; for example, a set, a pair plus another in a run, etc) and winning by the remaining one. The fourth tile can be something other than the winning tile if the hand contains Pure one suit or higher doubling pattern.

Three Doubles (x8)

  • Greater Three Elements (大三元): three sets of dragons.
  • Dragon Seven Pairs (龙七对): seven pairs where two pairs are four identical tiles. It does not combine with Closed Four in One.

Four Doubles (x16)

  • Double Dragon Seven Pairs (双龙七对): seven pairs where four pairs are two sets of four identical tiles. It does not combine with Closed Four in One.


卡五星 (湖北省北西部の麻雀)





ゲームの長さ: 親のメリットは順番が早いことだけなので,あらかじめ決めた時間か手数が過ぎたらゲームを終わりにできます.






  • 手にある暗刻でカンしたときは,牌を捨てた人からレート×2
  • ポン済みの牌にカンしたときは,他の2人からレート×1ずつ
  • 暗槓のときは,他の2人からレート×2ずつ
  • カン補充牌かカンの捨て牌でカンが連続した場合,2連続なら2倍,3連続なら4倍と,連続のたびにカンの点を2倍にします.








  • 碰碰胡.対々和
  • 明四帰一.ポンした牌と同じ牌での上がり.清一色以上の役があるときは,4枚目が上がり牌でなくてもよい
  • 卡五星(カーウーシン).5のカンチャンでの上がり
  • 槓上開花.カン補充牌での上がり.常にツモ扱い.カンの補充牌でのカンが連続した場合,カンの回数だけ飜が付く
  • 槓上炮.カンの捨て牌での上がり.カンの点と異なり,カンが何回連続した後でも,槓上開花の倍は複合しない
  • 搶槓
  • 亮倒(リャンタオ).聴牌した手を公開しての上がり.手すべてを公開するところと,待ちの部分だけを公開するところがある.公開後は,待ちを変えることもツモった牌と手牌を入れ替えることもできない.流局したら,手で最初に亮倒した人は,他の2人にレート×1ずつ払う.亮倒に振り込んだら,ツモ扱いで,振り込んだ人の責任払い
  • 海底撈.山の最後の牌でのツモ上がり.最後の捨て牌での振り込みには倍はない


  • 清一色
  • 七対
  • 小三元
  • 暗四帰一.暗刻や対子と順子中の1枚など手の中の3枚と同じ牌での上がり.清一色以上の役があるときは,4枚目が上がり牌でなくてもよい
  • 手把一(ショウパーイー).裸単騎


  • 大三元
  • 龍七対.同じ牌4枚で2組の対子を作った七対.暗四帰一と複合しない.杭州や北京の「豪華七対(豪七)」と同じ


  • 双龍七対.同じ牌4枚2組で4組の対子を作った七対子.暗四帰一と複合しない


Hangzhou mahjong rules

This is one of the simplest and furthest variants of the game as far as I know (contenders include the Shenzhen version for simplicity and Sichuan "bloody battles" for inventiveness) that focuses on banker-non banker rivalry and use of wildcards.

(25 September 2018)Corrected where to pick a fortune indicator from.
(27 September 2018)Reverted the way fortune indicator is selected based on several photographed evidences.
(7 October 2018)Added liability rules for claimed win.
(8 October 2018)Added some variations.
(10 October 2018)Added more variations and moved optional liability rules to the variation section.
(14 October 2018)Based on comparison of rules of a competition and online gaming, made the three open set liability only applicable for wins by tiles drawn from the wall, and its application for wins by claiming a variation.


  • 136 tiles of three suits (characters, circles, bamboos) and honors (four winds and three dragons). The eight flower tiles (four seasons and four flowers) are not used.
  • Two dice.
  • Poker chips or anything to keep score of each player.

Prior agreement

The players agree on when to finish, how much a point is worth, and maximum amount of loss. Since players do not take turns to become banker (dealer), when to finish playing has to be agreed upon in terms of time. If it is hours long, it is advisable to restart from the seating procedure every hour or so. Since there are no limits for scores of winning hands, it is vitally important to agree on maximum amount of loss, typically 40, 50 or 100, and each player has that amount of poker chips before starting. When a player loses all the chips, he/she does not have to pay anything, no debt is incurred, but he/she can still receive full amount when he/she wins.


It is taken seriously as a very influential element of players' luck and therefore done in a formal fashion. Its details may differ from one group to another.
One of the players, e.g. the youngest, picks four tiles of east, south, west and north, one tile for each direction, places them face down and shuffles them well.
Another player, e.g. the eldest, throws the two dice, counts himself/herself as one, the player to his/her right as two, and so on counter-clockwise, and who is sitting in the seat of the sum of the two dice draws a tile he/she likes, followed by each player counter-clockwise. Alternatively, the shuffled tile are placed face down in a row, flanked by an odd-numbered and an even numbered tile at each end to determine from which end the tiles are taken. Yet another way is to take a tile at will after the shuffling without throwing the dice. Who picks east remains seated, or moves to the seat chosen as east by any appropriate means. The south player moves to the right of the east, west opposite, and north left.

Building walls

All the tiles are turned face down and shuffled well by the four players. Each player builds a wall of 17 tile wide and two tile high with all tiles facing down. The four walls are placed around the center of the table to form a rectangle, or the right ends are pushed forward to make the shape slightly rotated counter-clockwise.

Banker (庄家)

The first banker is chosen by roll of two dice by the east player. The roll is counted just like when the seats are determined or any other occasions. Alternatively, each player throws two dice and who rolls the highest becomes the first banker. A winner of a hand becomes the banker of the next hand. The banker stays when he/she wins or when a hand ends in a draw.

Breaking a wall

The banker throws two dice and the player in the position of the sum counts the same (the sum) number of stacked pairs from the right end of his/her wall to left and breaks open a gap between the last counted pair and next one. The wall is used clockwise from the gap unlike everything else in the game, that is counter-clockwise. The top tile of the head pair is used before the bottom one, followed by the next pair. Tiles drawn after kong are taken from the tail of the wall, and in the Hangzhou variant, they are used in the real reverse order, i.e., the bottom tile of the tail pair is taken first before the top one.


Starting from the banker and counter-clockwise, each player takes four tiles at once from the head of the wall in turn, repeated three times to have twelve tiles in hand. The tiles are arranged in a row and placed face down. Then the banker takes first and fifth tile, i.e. top tiles of the first and third pairs from the head of the wall, and each of the remaining three players takes one tile in turn.

After the banker grabs fourteen tiles and the others thirteen, the players turns his/her tiles up for him/her to see and no one else.

Fortune tiles (财神)

A fortune tile is a wildcard and can be substituted for any tile in a winning hand. After the deal, right neighbour of who broke the wall counts as many pairs backward from the tail of his/her wall as the number rolled to break the wall, and flips the top tile of the last counted pair. The face up tile and the one beneath it will not be used in the hand; they are skipped. The face up tile is the "fortune" indicator, the other three identical ones "fortune" tiles, and white dragons face value of the fortune indicator. For example, if the face up tile is 4 Bams, the other three tiles of 4 Bams are "fortune" and white dragons 4 Bams.

Play of tiles

Starting from the banker and counter-clockwise, the players repeat the following in turn until one of the players wins or the hand ends in a draw.
  • Unless it is the first turn of the banker who already has one extra tile in his/her hand, the current player draws the first tile of the wall from its head.
  • If the player cannot win or does not want to do so, he/she discards a tile in front of him/her. In Hangzhou, unlike many other places in China, discarded tiles are not mixed together and kept separate for each player, arranged neatly in rows, with newer tiles placed after older ones.

Winning hand

A winning hand is either
  • an eye and four sets, or
  • seven pairs.
An eye or a pair is two identical tiles.
A set is a run, a pung or a kong.
A run is three tiles of a suit in numerical order.
A pung is three identical tiles.
A kong is four identical tiles melded with a kong call.
A player can substitute fortune tiles for any tiles in a winning hand so long as they are not part of open sets or kong.

Chow (吃)

If two tiles in player's hand and a tile just discarded by his/her left side neighbour would be a run when put together, he/she can make an open (or exposed, as opposed to closed or concealed) run from these tiles by saying 'chow', discarding a tile, laying down the two tiles face up to the left of his/her hand, and putting the claimed tile to their left end rotated 90 degrees for easy identification of the three set liability. A player cannot add or remove tiles to or from open runs. An open run cannot contain fortune tiles. An open run can contain a white dragon because it is not a wildcard but is always seen as a tile of the fortune indicator. After a chow, turn moves to the right side neighbour of who has done the chow.

Pung (碰)

If a player has two identical tiles in his/her hand and the same tile is just discarded by any other player, he/she can make an open pung by saying 'pung', discarding a tile, laying down the two tiles face up to the left of his/her hand, and putting the claimed tile to their left or right end rotated 90 degrees if the tile is claimed from the left or right side neighbour, respectively, or the three tiles put together without any tiles rotated when the tile comes from the player sitting across the table.
A player cannot remove tiles from open pung. An open pung cannot contain fortune tiles. An open pung can contain white dragons.
If two players say pung and chow simultaneously, the pung wins over the chow. After a pung, turn moves to the right side neighbour of who has done the pung.
Some play that a player cannot pung an identical tile as he/she missed before his/her turn comes if he/she missed a tile he/she could have pung'ed. A turn is regarded to have come if it is passed by a pung or a kong.

Kong (杠)

A kong requires a 'kong' declaration, melding and drawing a supplementary tile. A set of four identical tiles is not a kong without these actions. There are three different ways to do a kong.
a) closed kong. If a player has four identical tiles in his/her hand and it is his/her turn, he/she can make a kong by saying 'kong' and laying down the four tiles face down to the left of his/her hand.
b) filling (open) kong. If a player has a tile identical to those of his/her open pung and it is his/her turn, he/she can make a kong by saying 'kong' and adding the tile to the pung.
c) direct (open) kong. If a player has three identical tiles in his/her hand and the same tile is just discarded by any other player, he/she can make a kong by saying 'kong', laying down the three tiles face up and adding the discarded tile to them just like an open pung.
After laying down the tiles, the player who is doing a kong draws a supplementary tile from the tail of the wall and discards a tile. Note that, in Hangzhou, the bottom tile is drawn before the top one when one takes a kong supplement tile. A player cannot add or remove tiles to or from a kong, open or closed. A kong cannot contain fortune tiles. One can make a kong of white dragon. If two players say kong and chow simultaneously, the kong wins over the chow. After a kong, turn moves to the right side neighbour of who has done the kong.

Win (胡牌)

If tiles in a hand of a player and those laid down for chow, pung or kong form a winning hand together with another tile, the player can declare win by saying 'hu' (胡), or whatever all the players can understand as such, and revealing his/her hand. A hand ends when a player wins. It is a custom that not only the winner but all the other players reveal their hands.

There are three ways to win:
  • an own tile (自摸): a tile to complete the hand is drawn from the wall either from its head or tail, which is not brought into his/her hand but placed beside face up on the table;
  • claiming a discarded tile (放冲,点炮): a tile to complete the hand has just been discarded by other player; or
  • robbing a kong (拉杠): a tile to complete the hand is about to be added to an open pung  in a (failed) attempt at a kong.

A player can always win by his/her own tile.
Win by claiming or robbing a kong is only possible when the banker is staying for three or more hands, and only between the banker and a non-banker. A non-banker can never win by claiming discarded tile or robbing a kong of another non-banker.

There can only be one winner in a hand; when more than one non-bankers declare win by claiming a tile discarded by banker, the one whose turn is closest to the banker is the winner.
A discarded fortune tile can never be claimed for winning.
A player can win by completing a run or a pung containing a fortune tile with a discarded tile or a robbed kong.
A win takes precedence over kong, pung or chow calls.
Some play that a player cannot win by claiming an identical tile as he/she missed before his/her turn comes if he/she missed a winning tile. A turn is regarded to have come if it is passed by a pung or a kong.


The 10 pairs or 20 tiles will always be left unused in any cases, including the two tiles of the fortune indicator pair. If no one wins when the wall becomes 10 pair/20 tiles long, the hand is a draw and no payments are made for that hand.


The winner is paid according to this payout scheme:
  • Each non-winner pays a unit to the winner in case of a win by own tile.
  • Who discarded the winning tile pays a unit to the winner in case of a win by claiming.
  • Payment to or from the banker is doubled when he/she is not staying (平庄,1牢),
    multiplied by four when he/she is staying for two hands (2牢), and
    multiplied by eight when he/she is staying for three or more hands (3牢).

The score is doubled for any of these conditions. These doubles apply to payments between non-bankers as well as those between banker and non-banker.
  • wild eye (暴头) (x2): when the winning hand is an eye calling hand with a fortune tile. Although one can win by any tile, this type of hands can only be won by an own tile and never by claiming or robbing a kong, even when the banker is staying for three or more hands.
  • fortune float (财飘) (x2, i.e. x4 including wild eye):  when a player has two fortune tiles and four completed sets (or six pairs), declines to win immediately, discards a fortune tile instead, and wins by wild eye in his/her next turn. The other players cannot chow, pung, do open kong, or win by claiming, but they can do closed kong or win by an own tile in their turns right after a forture tile is discarded. The rules is back to the normal when, for whatever reasons, the floating player does not win in his/her next turn. Some plays that the 'floating' player has to wait his/her next turn to win, while some plays that he/she can kong, pung or chow before his/her turn comes provided that he/she can win by kong-bloom or can do another round of fortune float by acquiring a substituted tile by that pung/chow.
  • double float (双飘) (x4, i.e. x8 including wild eye): when a floating player obtains a substituted tile or a fortune tile itself from the wall, either by his/her turn or kong supplement, discards it to do another round of fortune float and wins by wild eye. One can mix kong bloom or kong streak before, during or after double float. If floating player is allowed to chow, pung or do an open kong, he/she can keep double float going by discarding another fortune right after that.
  • kong bloom (杠开) (x2 for each kong in streak): when a hand is won by a kong supplement tile. This is always deemed as an own tile win. A kong streak is a series of kong without interrupted by other players' turns, i.e. kong by kong supplement. The only exception is fortune float. A kong streak is not broken by fortune float.
  • robbing a kong (拉杠) (x2): some allows it when the banker is staying for *two* or more hands instead of the standard of three. It is scored as an own tile win but the player whose kong was robbed is liable for all the payments.
  • seven pairs (七对) (x2, x4 without fortune): when the winning hand has seven pairs. Some (many?) play that the extra double for seven pairs without fortune is not awarded in case of win by claiming or robbing.
  • deluxe (豪华) (x2 for each): when there are four identical tiles as two pairs in seven pairs. Fortune cannot be used in the four tiles. Kong is not allowed.
Theoretically maximal win is a streak of four kong (x16) and double float (x8) when the banker stays for three hands or more (x8) (三牢四杠双飘), that is 1024 times a unit.

Exceptions to the payout scheme

Three set liability and counter-liability (3摊承包、反承包). When player A does chow/pung/open kong three times from player B, B is liable for all the payments made to A (a three set liability), and A is doubly liable for all the payments to B (a three set counter-liability) if A or B has won by a tile drawn from the wall. Since open sets show who gave discarded tiles, when a player has three open sets of the same shape, it is clear for everyone that the player and another pointed by these sets have liability and counter-liability relationships. When A wins, B pays for himself as well as the other two players. When B wins, A pays his/her due as well as the other two players, everything doubled. When a winner has more than one liability or counter-liability relationships, he/she can receive full amount from each of such relationships. In particular, when A and B do chow/pung/open kong three times each other and one of them wins, the other party is liable and counter-liable, so has to pay three times the total amount.

Robbing a kong (拉杠). If a player wins by robbing a kong, the winning hand is scored as if it were a win by a tile drawn from the wall, but the player whose kong was robbed pays for the other two losers as well as him/herself.


False win. A player declaring a false win has to pay amount he/she intended to receive.

Long/short hand. A player who has too many or too few tiles in his/her hand,  e.g. 11, 12, 15 etc, has to keep playing but he/she cannot win.


Restriction on the three open set liability. Some play that the three open set liability should only occur between banker and a non-banker, and prohibit chow/pung/kong between non-bankers that would result in a liability relationship. Some only prohibit three chows between non-bankers and allow liability to be estabilished if there is at least one pung/kong in three open sets. Some apply one of these restrictions only when banker stays three or more hands. Some do so whenever banker stays. Some disallow more than two chow/pung/kong from same player all the time to avoid complications resulting from different liability practices among different player groups.

Liability for win by a discarded tile. Some apply the three open set liability to win by a discarded tile as well as win by a tile from the wall, so that a player who gave (or received) three open sets to (or from) the winner has to pay the full (or twice the full) amount in addition to the payment by discarding player, who has to pay double or triple if he/she happens to be liable or counter-liable too.

Second half liability of float (财飘后半场承包). If a floating player is allowed to do chow, pung or open kong in a fortune float round, some play that a player who discards chow, pung or open kong tile to keep the float/kong streak going is solely liable for any doubles made after the discarding, while three players have to pay for score made before that.

Permanent fortune (白板财神). Some, on automatic dealing table, do not flip an indicator but make White dragons permanent fortune tiles. This is done to increase number of fortune tiles that are main source of higher scoring hands in the game.

Wall-only. Some, mostly in combination with the permanent fortune option, play that the only eligible form of winning is by drawing a tile from the wall, either from its head or tail, even when the banker is staying for three or more hands.

Ten honours (十风). Some play that continuously discarding 10 or more honour tiles from the start of a hand is a winning condition. Some score 10 tiles as win by an own tile, 11 wild eye, and so on, while some score 10 tiles as wild eye. This appears to be used only in online gaming as some say they have never seen it in real games. There are no consensus on what happens if a discarded tile is punged or if a player attempting it does fortune float.

Immediate third time banker. Some play that, mostly in online games, the banker staying count is immediately brought up to three when a roll of dice to break the walls meets certain conditions, like a double or high number.




























  • 1牢.親のツモなら,子3人が2点ずつ.子のツモなら,親は2点,子2人は1点ずつ.
  • 2牢.親のツモなら,子3人が4点ずつ.子のツモなら,親は4点,子2人は1点ずつ.
  • 3牢以上.親のツモなら,子3人が8点ずつ.子のツモなら,親は8点,子2人は1点ずつ.親から子,子から親への振込みでは,振り込んだ人が上がった人に8点.


  • 爆頭(パオトウ,杭州話だとバオドー,ドーの母音はOウムラウトの音).2倍.暴頭とも書く.敲響(チャオシャン)とも言う.財神の単騎待ち(1枚で頭・対子になるのを待つこと)です.何でも上がれる形ですが,この場合に限り,3牢以上でもツモ上がりしかできません.なお,この形に構えるときの捨て牌と財神で頭(か対子)が完成しているので,爆頭などを狙うには,必ず上がりを崩す必要があります.逆にいうと,財神ありの手でツモ上がる前に,爆頭などを狙えないか考える必要があります.
  • 財飄(ツァイピャオ,杭ゼーピャオ).1回に付き2倍,必ず爆頭の2倍も付くので,財飄で4倍と考えてもよい.財神を捨てて次のツモで爆頭で上がります.ツモ上がりの前にカンかもう1周の財飄をはさめます.財神が捨てられたら,他の3人は,1周の間,チー・ポン・明槓・振込み上がりはできません.暗槓とツモ上がりはできます.財飄中の人に,つぎのツモを待つだけでなく,チー・ポン・明槓を認める人がいます.チー・ポンが許されるのは,手の中で財神で代替していた牌をチー・ポンで浮かせられる場合だけで,浮いた財神を捨てて,もう1周財飄を続けます.
  • 双飄(シュアンピャオ,杭スヮンピャオ).財飄2回と爆頭で8倍.両飄ともいう.財飄中に,ツモかカンの補充で財神を浮かせるか得て,それを捨ててもう1周財飄を回して上がります.財飄と財飄の間にカンがあっても,双飄です.財飄中のチー・ポンを認めるなら,チー・ポンで浮かせた財神を捨てても双飄です.
  • 槓開(カンカイ,杭カンケー).1回につき2倍.カンの補充牌での上がりです.常にツモ上がりとして扱います.カンが連続したら,連続した回数2倍します.カンとカンの間に財飄があっても,カンが連続しているとみなします.何でも上がれる爆頭・財飄との組み合わせでできることが多いので,次のような略称があります.
    • 槓爆(カンパオ,杭カンバオ).槓開+爆頭
    • 槓飄(カンピャオ).槓開+財飄
    • 飄槓(ピャオカン).財飄+槓開
  • 七対(チートゥイ,杭チェットゥイ).2倍.対子7組での上がりです.財神がないときは清七対といい,さらに2倍して4倍になります.3牢の振り込み上がりでは清七対の追加の2倍を認めない人も多いです.
  • 豪華(ハオホァ,杭ガウワー).1組につき2倍.同じ牌4枚で対子2組を作った七対です.カンしてはなりません.4枚に財神を入れられません.
  • 拉槓(ラーカン).2倍.ポンした牌へのカンが待ち牌の場合です.振込み上がりの一種なので,3牢以上で,親子間でないとできません.2牢で認める人もいます.爆頭では拉槓できません.点数はツモ上がりと同じですが,拉槓された人が包のように1人で払います.














Xiamen (Amoy) mahjong rules

It features unique wall layout and rituals for that, as well as somewhat unusual scoring system based on multiples instead of doubles. Although points for sets and flowers may appear slightly complicated, they add varieties to outcome of the game that would be somewhat monotonous otherwise.

(9 November 2018)Added irregularities section and some more variations.
(10 October 2018)Added Quanzhou scoring and a couple of variations.


144 tiles of three suits (characters, circles, bamboos), honors (four winds and three dragons) and the eight flower tiles (four seasons and four flowers).
Two dice.


One of the players, e.g. the youngest, picks four tiles of east, south, west and north, one tile for each direction, places them face down and shuffles them well.
Another player, e.g. the eldest, throws the two dice, counts himself/herself as one, the player to his/her right as two, and so on counter-clockwise, and who is sitting in the seat of the sum of the two dice draws a tile he/she likes, followed by each player counter-clockwise. Who picks east remains seated, or moves to the seat choosen as east by any appropriate means. The south player moves to the right of the east, west opposite, and north left.

Building walls

The four players turn all the tiles face down and shuffle them together. Each player arranges four horizontal rows of eight tiles in front of him/her, with all tiles facing down and neighbouring rows touching each other. Then he/she adds two tiles to each end of the third row from the center of the table to make it twelve tile wide, pushes it forward together with the first and second rows, and puts the second row on top of the first. Finally he/she breaks the last remaining row in two halves, holds each set of four tiles in each hand, and places them at each end of the twelve tile row with leftmost and rightmost ends slanted toward him/herself. There are no distinction between the wing parts and the middle parts of the outer walls. They are arranged in this way so that they can fit comfortably in a mahjong table.


The banker throws two dice to choose who takes the tiles first. Rolls of the dice are counted from who throws them as one, whose right side neighbour as two, and so on counterclockwise until the sum of the pips are reached. The player chosen by the roll takes first two stacked pairs of each wall, his/her right neighbour the third and fourth, his/her opposite the fifth and sixth, and his/her left neighbour the last two, counting clockwise unlike everything else in the game, which is counterclockwise.

Breaking (outer) wall

The player who took the first two stacks from the wall throws the dice to choose who breaks the outer wall. The player chosen by the roll count tiles of his/her outer wall from the right end (including the wing) as one and clockwise until the sum of the pips, and move the wall slightly so that there is a gap between the last counted tile and the next one. The gap marks the head and the tail of the wall. The banker takes the first tile from the head of the wall to have 17 tiles. Then each player turns his/her tiles up for him/her to see and no one else. Because a player starts with no less than 16 tiles, it is a common practice to arrange them in two rows, front and rear.

Melding flower tiles

The players lay all flower/season tiles in their hands down, in front of him/her or right hand side. Then each player draws same number of tiles from the tail of the wall, starting from the banker and counterclockwise. If a player draws a season or flower tile, he/she lays it down immediately and wait until his/her next turn to draw a supplement tile. This continues until no one has season and flower tiles in his/her hand.

Choosing Gold tile

After melding flowers and drawing supplement tiles, the player who broke the wall throws two dice, counts tiles from the current tail of the wall counter-clockwise, and turns the tile at the sum of the pips face up. This is the Gold indicator, the other three identical tiles are Gold tiles and White Dragons the face value of the Gold indicator. For example, if the indicator is 8 Circles, the other three 8 Circles are Gold and White Dragons 8 Circles. A Gold tile can be substituted for any tiles but seasons and flowers. If a season or flower is turned up as the indicator, it is turned back and the player who broke the wall rolls the dice again.

Winning hand

A winning hand is one pair and five sets. A pair is two identical tiles. A set is a run, a pung or a kong. A run is three tiles of a suit in numerical order, for example, 2 Bams, 3 Bams and 4 Bams. A pung is three identical tiles. A kong is four identical tiles declared and melded. A set of four identical tiles is not a kong without a kong call and melding.

Play of the hand

Starting from the banker and counter-clockwise, each player performs these actions in turn:
(drawing) Except in the first turn of the banker who has one extra tile in his/her hand, the current player draws a tile from the head of the wall; if he/she draws a flower tile, he/she melds it and draw a supplementary tile from the tail of the wall;
(discarding) Unless he/she has a winning hand and wants to win, he/she discards one tile that has not been melded from his hand.

Following discarded honors

If a player has a singleton honor and a tile identical to it has already been discarded in current hand, he/she must discard it before other honors and suit tiles. If there are more than one such honors, he/she can freely choose a tile to be discarded from them.


If two tiles in player's hand and a tile just discarded by his/her left side neighbour would be a run when put together, he/she can make a run from these tiles by saying 'chow', discarding a tile, laying down the two tiles face up to the left of his/her hand, and adding the discarded tile to them. A chow'ed run cannot contain a Gold tile. No tiles can be added or taken from a chow'ed run. After a chow, turn moves to the right side neighbour of the player who has done the chow.


If a player has two identical tiles in his/her hand and the same tile is just discarded by any other player, he/she can make a pung by saying 'pung', discarding a tile, laying down the two tiles face up to the left of his/her hand, and adding the discarded tile to them. A pung'ed set cannot contain Gold tiles. No tiles can be taken away from a pung'ed set. After a pung, turn moves to the right side neighbour of the player who has done the pung.


If a player has four identical tiles in his/her hand and it is his/her turn, he/she can make a kong by saying 'kong' and laying down the four tiles to the left of his/her hand. If a player has a tile identical to those of his/her layed down pung and it is his/her turn, he/she can make a kong by saying 'kong' and adding the tile to the pung. If a player has three identical tiles in his/her hand and the same tile is just discarded by any other player, he/she can make a kong by saying 'kong', laying down the three tiles face up and adding the discarded tile to them. In all of its three variations, the player who does kong draws a supplementary tile from the tail of the wall and discards a tile. After a kong, turn moves to the right side neighbour of the player who has done the kong.


If tiles in a hand of a player and laid down for chow, pung or kong form a winning hand together with another tile, the player can declare win. A hand ends when a player wins. The winning tile is a tile drawn from the wall, either from its head or tail, just discarded by other player, or a tile to be added to a pung in an (failed) attempt at a kong. The last way is called robbing a kong. One cannot win by a discarded Gold tile. There is only one winner in a hand. If more than one players declare win by a same discarded tile, one whose turn is closest to the player discarding the winning tile wins. Some play that a player who has a gold tile in his/her hand can only win by a wall tile.

Dead wall and draw

16 tiles in the wall are always left unused. If nobody wins when there are only 16 tiles are left in the wall, the hand ends in a draw.


The winner receives score of his/her hand from each of the other players. Score of a winning hand is (base + flowers) x multiplier. The base is 2 in case of payment between the banker and a non-banker, and 1 between non-bankers. The banker's base is doubled each hand he/she stays and reset to 2 when the banker changes.

Flowers (it's "water" in Xiamen but water is uncountable in English...) are number of flower and gold tiles (discarded gold tiles do not count) as well as these scores for each set in winner's hand:
  • honor: open pung 1, closed pung 2, open kong 3, closed kong 4
  • suits: open pung 0, closed pung 1, open kong 2, closed kong 3
"Open" here means a set containing discarded tile, and "close" those made solely of tiles drawn from the wall.
A set of four seasons or flowers is worth 8 flowers instead of 4.

Multipliers are:
  • Common Win: x1. A win where none of the below apply. A win by a discarded tile.
  • Win by a wall tile or robbing a kong: x2.
  • Three gold knocker: x3. This is an exception to the winning hand rules, in that it only requires three gold tiles and the rest does not have to form sets or a pair, but it is only allowed just after a deal or last turn before a draw. If a player have them after deal and melding of flowers, it becomes x4 instead of x3.
  • Gold float: x4. When a player has five sets completed and waiting for an eye with a Gold tile. He/she can win with any tiles this way, but, in this particular case, he/she can only do so with a tile from the wall.
  • Robbing a gold: x4. The other exception to the winning hand rules. It is when a player can win by claiming the gold indicator right after a deal and melding of flowers, and in case of the banker, first discarding. When more than one player can rob a gold, non-banker wins the banker.
  • Heavenly and earthly win: x4. Heavenly win is when the banker has a winning hand right after deal and melding of flower tiles. Earthly win is when a non-banker wins by the banker's first discard in a deal. 
  • Double float: x8. When a player discards a gold tile and win by Gold float in his/her next turn. During a float round, the floating player cannot win by claiming a discarded tile and the other players cannot claim discarded tiles for chow, pung, or kong. Some allow non-floating player to win by a discarded tile during a float round, while others forbid that.
  • Triple float: x12. When a player attempts double float, draws a tile he/she substitutes a gold tile for or a gold tile itself, and discards the float tile again to do another round of float to win by gold float.


Long or short hand. A player who has too many or too few tiles in his/her hand,  e.g. 11, 12, 15 etc, cannot win in that hand.

Wrong chow, pung, kong or drawing. A player who did a wrong chow, pung, kong or drawing cannot win in that hand.

False win. A player who declares a false win has to pay each player the amount he/she could have received from him/her if it were a valid win.


Quanzhou (泉州) scoring. They use slightly different scoring in Quanzhou:
  • The base of banker is increased by one when he/stays. Some increase it by one times multiplier of banker’s win instead.
  • An open kong made from an open pung has the same number of flowers as a closed pung.
  • Some count the same number of flowers in an open pung as a closed pung.
  • There are no bonus flowers for set of four flower/season tiles.
  • The multipliers are 1x for Common win, 2x for Win by a wall tile or Robbing a kong, 3x for Gold float, 6x for Double float, 9x for Triple float, 3x for Three gold knocker. Robbing a gold and Heavenly win are not recognised. When a player collects all the eight flower and season tiles, he/she wins immediately regardless of his/her hand with 3x multiplier.

Restriction on common win. Many play that a player who has gold tile in hand cannot win by claiming a discarded tile.

Missed win or pung. Some play that a player who missed a win or a pung (including an open kong) has to wait until his/her turn to come or pass before winning by claiming or doing a pung on the same tile.

Required float. Some play that a player who has three gold tiles has to win by three gold knocker, gold float or better.

False float. Some play that discarding a gold tile and not floating is an offense and who does so forfeits his/her right to win in that hand.

Inflated bases. Some multiply the bases by 5 (10 for banker, 5 for non-bankers), 8 (16 for banker, 8 for non-bankers) and so on, to reduce influence of flower counts over payouts.